Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Man with the Pig

Today I got out one of Danya's toys for her that had been in storage for a few months. It's a barn that sings songs and plays animal noises, in a girl's voice. I left Danya's room and went out to make breakfast. In a few minutes, Danya came out and told me, "I don't like the man in there. The man is scary." I had no clue what she was talking about, so I asked, "What man?". "The man with the pig is scary." Still confused, I went into her room and pressed the pig block down on her barn and this is what I heard:

After gut laughing, I took it into the office and replayed the scene for Josh. Who knew that the batteries going out in a toy would change it from a high pitched girl to James Earl Jones. We both gut laughed and felt so blessed that Danya could be so verbal and express what was scaring her. I think the guy's pretty scary myself!


Michelle @ My Gluten-free Kitchen said...

Oh I'm laughing so hard I"m crying at that one!
Too funny!

melliebates said...

That is too funny! Don't we all just love battery operated toys.

Amy said...