Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mean Mommy - Pacifier Update

Well, after the initial shock of Danya's pacifier getting broken, the transition to a life of non-dependence on plastic and latex went very smoothly. She tried a few times to actually suck on the broken (end cut off) pacifier, but that was unsatisfying. So, she resorted to laying down and then placing it under her back. Why? I have no idea, but it seemed to work. After about 2 weeks, she didn't even ask for it or seem to recognize that it was needed. We did have a few close calls, however...

First one, we went to Target during this transitional phase and happened to go down the pacifier isle. Bad idea! Danya saw her pacifier and said "Danya's THATS!". I quickly told her that those were another kid's pacifiers and that hers were at home and broken. Thankfully, she took this explanation without much protest.

The other sticky situation was just recently. I had to get Shea the next size up of pacifiers. Danya was with me and thought one package was for Shea and one was for her. After talking it through with her, though, she understood and has amazed me with her grown-up acceptance of the fact that her "thats broke". She really is such a doll and a joy to raise. I continue to remind myself that this really was for her good. One major disappointment down....many more to come, I'm sure!


Unknown said...

Corey, you are a great mom! Thanks for keeping me updated! So fun to read about your everyday life. --sara

Heather said...

Finaly an update! =) Ive been checking regularly so Im very excited! Love the story about the "that"! And the picture of Danya with the cream all over her face! Too funny! It was fun to see you and Josh out last night. Hope you had a fun night!