Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Simple Pleasures

Every morning, once the girls' get up, the three of us go outside to the back porch to enjoy the cool morning. We sit at the table, read, eat, drink our drinks (coffee for me and milk or water for Danya), and wake up slowly. Shea, for now, sits in her exersaucer, but soon she will be old enough to join us at the table. After we have had our "quiet time", we stay outside and play while it is still cool. We play with bubbles, play dough, markers, and crayons. We slide and swing. We make "dinner" out of rocks, sticks and weeds. Who could ask for a better way to greet the day? I love it, and I know the girls do to.


Michelle said...

What fun times together! I can totally picture you sitting and having coffee with your girls together when they are teens.
I'm glad you've been adding to your blog! I enjoy the pictures and updates!

April Moffatt said...

You are such a good Mama! I have always, always loved that you are not a hurried person. Your girls are and will be blessed.

Naomi Smith said...

speaking of simple pleasures . . . I had some of your granola at Evy's; I think that the recipe for THAT pleasure should be shared on your blog!
. . . just a gentle suggestion . . .